Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Land of Spells and Enchantments

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le Enchanteur in the Land of Spell and Enchantments meditates upon the power of her dream seeds.

NOTE: for me, MAGIC is of the performing kind that I do rather well -- slight-of-hand,prestidigitation and such. So 'that other stuff',I call MAGICK, just not to confuse

Tried Magick

I tried to do magick through spells found in a dusty book,
but my glasses kept falling from my nose,
and the grammar was so terrible
I don't think I got it right. But …
you made some coffee anyway, like you always do.

I attempted to see wonders in a copper scrying bowl,
yet I only saw my gristled image
and laughed outright in comedy
and spilt the future certainty. But …
you sang a song at sunrise, though you were away.

I prayed in each ritual direction guided by the clock,
but sneezed some during the smudging rite
and stepped on the Priestess' trailing cloak,
and had to hide 'till after dark. But …
you still hugged me closely, as only you can do.

I got jelly on the Tarot cards and dropped the pendulum,
and stirred paint with this old twisted stick
and can hear Dorkus shrieking still,
and can't stand the third degree. But …
you said that you would marry me, such a special gift.

I think I'll give up on magick and take a walk instead,
where strangers wave at me in passing
and I can see moonlight on the lake,
and perhaps skip a rock or two. But …
you will come and laugh beside me, just because I do.

by faucon of Sakinel


At 12:47 AM, Blogger Viridiana said...

Faucon's poem conjures up wonderful images!

At 7:42 AM, Blogger Vi Jones said...

A wonderful piece, faucon. I love the humor.



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